Scp 5008

Does the Black Moon howl?




In night and silence we guard against all that would make it wail.














Level 5/5008 clearance verified. Welcome, Visitor.




ITEM#: SCP-5008
Object Class: Estoric

Assigned Site | Site Director | Research Head |Assigned Task Forces
SCPF Site-01 N/A [REDACTED] MTF Alpha-1, MTF Gamma-7

Special Containment Procedures:

The site of SCP-5008-Prime is physically contained by MTF Gamma-7 ("Burning Coronet") under standard security procedures for high-priority anomalous archaeological locations, including perimeter fencing, landmines, and aerial drone monitoring. Containment is simplified by thousands of years of erosion and shifting sands, which have almost entirely concealed the portions of SCP-5008-Prime that were aboveground at the time of its construction.

MTF Gamma-7 personnel are not authorized to enter SCP-5008-Prime, to otherwise further investigate the structure, or to know of its former or current contents. Further investigation of SCP-5008-Prime is to be performed by personnel authorized to access this file, if determined to be necessary by an Overseer Council member.

SCP-5008 itself is contained in Sector 231 of the Thaumiel Wing of Site-01, which has been adapted from its original purpose as an aircraft hangar to store SCP-5008. A specially trained information security management team, acting under the supervision of O5-1, monitors and operates the device as necessary for global security purposes. The actual activation of SCP-5008 requires a majority vote by the Overseer Council, or an order of mercy issued by a majority of authorized Ethics Committee delegates. Outside of formal Overseer Council or Ethics Committee votes, requests, suggestions, and questions regarding SCP-5008's operation may be submitted to O5-1's Site-01 secretary, presently Therese Machzer.

Any further discoveries related to GoI-5008 ("The Keepers") are to be censored and compartmentalized under the same restrictions as this file. SCP-5008 is to be considered available for this purpose, but conventional information suppression tactics are in place as part of the operational profile of MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand").

Should circumstances require it, unauthorized personnel are to be led to believe that there is no SCP-5008. Outside of Site-01, SCP-5008 is not to be referred to except when absolutely necessary, and then only as "HUSH," its approved codename.


SCP-5008 is the Harpocrates-Usheq Confidentiality Engine, which was developed primarily based upon materials recovered from Erikesh-um, the chief monastery of the Erikeshan people (since designated SCP-5008-Prime and GoI-5008). SCP-5008 consists of over 4200 cubic meters of various machine elements, the majority of which are automated and serve to amplify its telepathic impact. The exact effective range of SCP-5008 remains indeterminable, but it has been shown to operate with absolute precision over 1.1 million kilometers.

SCP-5008 is capable of immunizing life forms within a preset area of effect against certain concepts, including general emotions, instincts, sensory abilities, and recent or long term memories. Originally, SCP-5008 was only capable of large-scale blunt cognitive alterations, but refinement over the past [REDACTED] historical cycles and new discoveries pertaining to the now-extinct Erikeshans has dramatically improved its accuracy, effectiveness, and ease of use.

SCP-5008 is operated by means of a beryllium bronze clockwork device integrated into the circuitry of its control chamber, designated SCP-5008-Modus. This device consists of an equilateral triangular plate, just under one meter in width, evenly tessellated and engraved with precisely 300 of the fundamental glyphs of the Erikeshan written language and their mathematical system. This plate is affixed to a circular disc containing its clockwork components.2 The underside of this disc bears a partially damaged inscription of Mekhanite derivation, reading "[to the] friends of the temple, [we] grant [this] token of truce." It is signed in the same dialect with a name that may be phonetically rendered as "Bu Mor Oh."

Depression of the glyphs on the surface of SCP-5008-Modus (or combinations thereof) activate its internal mechanisms and, through unknown means, define concepts to be acted upon by SCP-5008 as a whole. Conventional digital control systems, incorporated at the time of SCP-5008's construction, are also present in the chamber to allow for targeting.


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