Scp 4746

Item #: SCP-4746

Object Class: N/A

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4746 should not be contained, but eliminated at all costs. Collateral damage is irrelevant. No attempts may be made to negotiate with SCP-4746.

Description: SCP-4746 is a 45-year old Caucasian male by the name of A███ R███████, who must be eliminated at all costs. Foundation personnel reading this file are hereby commanded to terminate SCP-4746 with extreme prejudice if the opportunity arises. This information should be made available to as many Foundation assets as possible, regardless of security clearance.

Addendum: Interview log 2019/08/28 9:30 AM

Interviewed: SCP-4746

Interviewer: Dr. John Davies, Department of Memetics and Cognitohazards

Foreword: It is imperative that Dr. Davies terminates SCP-4746 on sight.

<Begin Log>

Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.

SCP-4746: Hello, doc. Nice of you to check up on me. Haha-

[SCP-4746 is interrupted by a coughing fit.]

Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.

SCP-4746: *Ahem* It's fine. I, uh, could be better, could be worse, you know. Not a huge fan of being locked up in here, but it beats going out there. Plus, I don't think I could stand if I wanted to.

Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.

SCP-4746: No, no, don't get me wrong. I know I'm lucky you people found me first. Like I said, things could have turned out a lot worse for me. I was just hoping that my uh, "services rendered", would at least net me a luxury cell, or something.

Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.

SCP-4746: Yes, of course I understand that, I'm not naive. Your bosses wouldn't have given me the time of day if something hadn't caught their eyes in those documents. But do you have any idea how hard that stuff was to get a hold of? The one about infiltrants for example, I-

Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.

SCP-4746: Huh? You wanna talk about this again? Look, I don't know what else to tell you. I have no idea how the Mark works. Wasn't even aware that something like it existed. I genuinely thought you guys had double crossed me when the extraction team started shooting. 'Course, I knew ahead of time that the Insurgency takes this kind of stuff very seriously, but…

Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.

SCP-4746: Well, thanks for the sentiment, I guess. Never sat right with me, you know, working with those people. That's why I contacted you guys in the first place.

Dr. Davies: You must be eliminated at all costs.

SCP-4746: Alright, see you next time, doc. I'll be right where you left me. [Laughs]

Dr. Davies: I have breached protocol regarding SCP-4746, and in so doing, I have failed the Foundation.

<End Log>

Closing statement: In light of his actions, Dr. Davies' employment at the Foundation should be terminated. Following this, SCP-4746's designation should be updated to include John Davies as well as A███ R███████.

Update: I don't know if anyone will be able to see this, but here goes. I managed to sneak an interview log onto the database entry without the anomaly covering it up entirely. Looks like I was right - It's not foolproof. It can't seem to affect SCP-4746's own speech. Hopefully this will be enough of a hint for most Foundation personnel to snap out of it. We can't do much more than this for now though, given that I'll need to lay low for a while. We didn't quite expect it to, uh, react like this. — Dr. Davies

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