DeCIRO Catalogue Number: SC-48/404-97/786
Document Type: Step Compilation
Dates Received: 06-08-1948 through 11-10-1997
Operation Status: Open
Foreword: When the beast is slain, and the deed is done, the hero will lie by the hearth of Hestia. Then what would a quest be without a home to return to? For the stove to provide heat, we must fuel it with stories until nothing remains.
Sir Kneverbeen, we dedicate this compilation to you. Unspoken and yet never unheard, your distant presence will always loom over the chaos of time.
Hereafter we of Delta Command document the Steps of the Plan as transcribed by the Engineer of the Chaos Insurgency.
1. STEP 48/404
Agent Simmons will report on the failure of the recent Foundation raid.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-48/404-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 06-08-1948
Author: Agent Simmons
Summary Report: The Insurgency cell "Foundation Feast" was ambushed by Foundation soldiers long before coming close to the site. All but three Foundation Feast soldiers were killed in action. The help of an unidentified agent proved critical in their survival.
2. STEP 48/500
Agent Simmons will report on the recent casualties.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-48/500-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 08-16-1948
Author: Agent Simmons
Summary Report: All assets and personnel stationed at Nexus-Base A and Bunker E have been lost. The Nexus-Base is now under Foundation control. Because of the optimal logistics of the Base, I assume they will rebuild it into a Site.
It is still unknown how the Foundation determined the location of Base and Bunker as both had no previous contact with the Foundation.
3. STEP 48/600
Agent Simmons will report on the recent casualties.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-48/600-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 11-13-1948
Author: Agent Simmons
Summary Report: Military cell "Nigurath" and Research cell "Sototh" have been destroyed. The Foundation soldiers are utilizing some kind of machine to locate Insurgency agents.
If my information is right, this machine will shortly be fully operable at Nexus-Base A1. If the efforts until now came from an incomplete version of this machine, I do not see how we can keep ourselves outside of the Foundation's gaze any longer.
4. STEP 48/601
The Insurgency is disbanded until I deem it safe to resume normal activity. Until then, all personnel will prioritize the evasion of Foundation assaults over all else.
5. STEP 49/115
Agent Simmons will report on the recent casualties.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-49/115-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 02-25-1949
Author: Agent Simmons
Summary Report: The machine has not done its job. There are no Chaos Insurgency casualties.
6. STEP 57/893
Agent Simmons will report on the recent casualties.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-57/893-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 12-09-1957
Author: Agent Simmons
Summary Report: I do not know what happened at Base K. We should have been severely outnumbered by Foundation soldiers, but an unidentified agent backed our team up with explosives, resulting in multiple Foundation casualties. As we retreated further inside the Base the Foundation Soldiers vanished along with the unidentified person.
As I further tried to investigate this case it came to my knowledge that Base K is not under the control of the Insurgency, but instead owned by a Sir Kneverbeen. Further investigation revealed that this man is as of last week deceased.
7. STEP 58/034
Insurgency cell "Isfet" will submit a full report about "Sir Kneverbeen" and his relation to Base K.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-58/034-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 01-10-1958
Author: Captain Sekhmet
Summary Report: There is almost no history regarding Kneverbeen. I was, however, able to find a "Mr. Chadwell" claiming to be his secretary.
Interview Log:Sekhmet: I won't waste time with formalities, who is this Kneverbeen?
Chadwell: Sir Kneverbeen to you and to everyone else. My lord was of highly respected nobility in the anomalous community.
Sekhmet: Oh really? It's part of my job to know who has power and how much, and I've never heard of this family.
Chadwell: Obviously, that is because my Lord was one of a kind. There is no family that we will speak of.
Sekhmet: Whatever. Why is Base K owned by Kneverbeen and how did he intervene in our fight?
Chadwell: I presume that by Base K you mean Sir Kneverbeen's official mansion? One of the two buildings he lent to your organization in good faith? As for the recent circumstances, I am afraid I am unable to help you. I assume those are the effects of my lord's most recent ritual that lead to his demise last week.
Sekhmet: (visibly agitated) Tell me more about this ritual. Is it Egyptian?
Chadwell: I must apologize, but I can not recall anything surrounding my lord's death.
8. STEP 58/734
Agent Simmons will report on the recent casualties.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-58/734-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 13-09-1958
Author: Agent Simmons
Summary Report: All assets and personnel stationed at Base R have been lost.
According to my information the Foundation is building that machine once more.
9. STEP 59/385
Transfer ownership of the three unused bases ON, CF and UH to Sir Kneverbeen.
Capture the person that compromised Delta Command security and report the effects of the false order above.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-59/385-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 05-28-1959
Author: Captain Sekhmet
Summary Report: At the time of this report, all the mentioned bases were already in possession of Sir Kneverbeen despite his death last week.
Our investigations of base CF and UH show they have been unused since their construction 200 years ago. The history of base ON however is in flux.
If I may form a hypothesis on what we are dealing with: I believe that whatever is left of this Kneverbeen is consuming the history of base CF and UH. This enables him to change all that ever happened in ON to a certain degree.
We should be able to change past events, to a degree, if we continue to fuel Kneverbeen with more history.
10. STEP 60/354
Agent Simmons will report on the recent losses to the Foundation.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-60/354-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 10-06-1960
Author: Agent Simmons
Summary Report: Foundation soldiers were unable to trace Insurgency cell "Foundation Feast" back to Base F. Foundation knowledge of Chaos Insurgency operations has returned to a normal level.
I assume whatever they tried with that machine failed.
11.STEP 61/947
The ownership of Base M and the Bunkers A through D will be transferred to Sir Kneverbeen. To satisfy the hunger of our new friend, acquire the legal rights to the [NO DATA FOUND] Mansion and transfer them to Kneverbeen as well.
Base M will be rented to Marshall Carter and Dark advertised as a safe auction house. Bunker A to D will be utilized as usual.
Bunker A through D's use will be limited to the next Reality-Reformation. The will only be entered on my command.
Sir Kneverbeen will be promoted to Delta-Class-personnel. His recent demise will not change this fact.
Note: All of the above properties are already owned by Sir Kneverbeen. This is no cause for concern as I believe that he has retroactively transferred all previous ownership to himself.
- Captain Sekhmet
12. STEP 87/293
The Foundation will try to raid Base K. Ignore this attempt as it is destined to fail.
13. STEP 95/909
The following document has been transmitted to Delta Command from an unidentified account.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR- i/005-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 12-12-1995
Author: Chadwell the former
Summary Report: It is finally done. I erased all significant traces of the machine's existence, so the Foundation will never be able to build it again.
I assume you are a bit confused about my par-taking in this war, so I will give you access to some documents of my now crumbled timeline that I could recover.
As I have fulfilled my mission and I do not want to disturb my self of this time, I will join my Lord instead.
The following two documents were attached:
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: SC-48/601- ?
Document Type: Step Compilation
Dates Received: 11-14-1948 through ?
Operation Status: Open
1. STEP 48/601
The Insurgency will be disbanded until it is deemed safe to resume normal activity. Until then, all personnel is to prioritize evasion of Foundation assaults over all else.
Isfet will immediately begin the ritual Sir Kneverbeen has devised.
2. STEP 48/605
If any personnel can still receive this message, enter Base K and restart this story. The machine must be unmade for the Insurgency to survive.
Chadwell: My Lord wishes to cooperate with your organization.
Sekhmet: What Lord are we talking about?
Chadwell: No lesser than Sir Kneverbeen himself.
Sekhmet: Ah, the great Outcast. Hold on, I'll connect you with command. They'll be interested in this.
Doublegreen: We've been meaning to talk with you. What do you desire?
Chadwell: My Lord desires your most excellent research to rid him of the curse of the family. In exchange, he offers you cooperation to your cause, such as sponsorship as well as access to two of his mansions, one of which is home to a nexus. This will be his final offer as my Lord does not trade lightly.
Doublegreen: We accept. And we know you already have something in mind.
Chadwell: There exists an ancient Daevite ritual that may change history to the more desired one. If you are able to complete it, Sir Kneverbeen will make the ritual fully available for you to use.
Doublegreen: That will be an easy task. However a word of warning: if one changes history one must be ready to destroy even more of it. Are you willing to take the risk of destruction?
Sir Kneverbeen: No risk is too high if the prize is ascension.
14.STEP 97/786
Missions utilizing Sir Kneverbeen's properties will be reduced to emergencies. Insurgency cell "Isfet" will be temporarily housed in Base K. Prioritize less costly means of manipulating time.