DeCIRO Catalogue Number: SC-14/126-20/921
Document Type: Step Compilation
Dates Received: 08-03-2014 through 25-07-2017
Operation Status: Open
Foreword: The people of the Foundation suffer to little opponent, not violence or brutality, but fear. A fear, that sees no blood, hears no screams, insensitive to all but the darkness around it. If no weapon can harm them, no blade pierce their shield, then let the stench of fear gas them out into the daylight, where all the world will converge upon them, and by the end of the feast nothing will be left but their bones.
1. STEP 14/126
Maintain exposure of agent to Subject 207 within Procedure Centre 28. Keep surgery to a minimum in prevention of shock. If subject continues to show unrest, administer amnestics prior and after every surgery procedure.
2. STEP 14/248
Begin Procedure 28 on Subject 207. Commence with chemical editing of the amygdala when possible.
3. STEP 14/476
Staff suffering from a psychological unrest when dealing with Subject 207 are to be removed from the program. I don't need people breaking-down in the middle of surgery procedures.
4. STEP 14/886
Begin Preparation Phase 01 on Subject 207. Sterilize the facility.
5. STEP 14/895
Begin Preparation Phase 02 on Subject 207.
6. STEP 15/232
Expected Foundation raid on Facility 14. Evacuate all required personnel attributed to Procedure 28. Burn all documentation on related material.
7. STEP 15/524
Begin testing of Procedure 29 on Subject 207. Remain cautious. Procedure 28 to be terminated. Gamma-class staff involved to take amnestic prescriptions. Subject 207 to be moved to Detention Centre 18 prior to movement to Experimentation Centre 05.
8. STEP 15/884
Authorised testing of Subject 207 on exposure to livestock.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-15/884-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 02-05-2015
Author: Dr. Foster
Summary Report: Livestock (poultry); death from shock on 18/20 cases. Average survival time: 28.11 minutes. Livestock (cattle); attempted retaliation on 9/10 cases. Experimentation ceased after possible threat of injury to Subject 207. Cattle appear able to resist attacks and psychological trauma presented by Subject 207. Suggest further surgery.
9. STEP 16/110
Continue surgery and modifications on Subject 207. Transfer to Procedure Centre 28. Re-enact Procedure 30. Begin usage of steroid and hormone-growth agents of Subject 207. End when seen adequate for safe, further testing.
10. STEP 16/308
Authorised further testing of Subject 207 on exposure to livestock.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-16/308-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 15-06-2015
Author: Dr. Foster
Summary Report: Livestock (avian, poultry); death from stroke/heart attack on 5/5 cases. Average survival time: 5.42 minutes. Livestock (cattle) attempted retaliation on 3/20 cases. Average survival time: 12.41 minutes. Suggest an increased focus on the maximum psychological trauma subject is able to inflict.
11. STEP 16/441
Further surgery on Subject 207 required. Increase exposure to agent by 11%. Transfer to Procedure Centre 28. Commence Semi-Procedure 30-1. Once complete, commence Semi-Procedure 30-2, utilising the exposure of psychoactive drugs on a biweekly basis. Remove Medical Procedure Team 7 from program and replace with specialised team invulnerable to catatonia while performing procedures on 207. End when seen adequate for further testing.
12. STEP 16/821
Authorise further testing of Subject 207 on exposure to livestock. Introduce equine livestock. Remove poultry from experimentation.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-16/821-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 24-11-2015
Author: Dr. Foster
Summary Report: Livestock (cattle) attempted escape 10/10 cases. Average survival time: 36.44 minutes. Livestock (equine) attempted retaliation. Average survival time: 1.24 minutes. Subject 207 has proven ability to resist retaliation. Killing method of releasing prey near death effective. Should be preserved. Suggest further infliction capabilities of psychological trauma.
13. STEP 17/011
Remove Dr. Foster from manager of Procedure-28. Suspected psychological unrest. Record incident on medical logs, and deny future access to further psychologically unsettling procedures.
14. STEP 17/045
Move Subject 207 to Procedure Centre 31, and perform Procedure 31, involving skeletal/anatomical reconfiguration. Expect intense trauma from 207. Cancel removal of bone-marrow due to near-death experience. Authorise further testing of Subject 207 on exposure to equine (group) livestock after surgery (allowing 8 maximum days of recovery).
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-17/045-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 12-03-2017
Author: Dr. Grant
Summary Report: Livestock group attempted escape. Subject attacked least psychologically-stable experimental prey. Subject able to maintain constant speed with persistent stamina, capable of stalking for considerable lengths of time. Observed to attack utilising shock as a primary vantage over experimental prey. Results positive. Suggest continued experimentation.
15. STEP 17/157
Authorise further testing of Subject 207 on exposure to domesticated animals.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-17/157-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 30-05-2017
Author: Dr. Grant
Summary Report: Experimental Prey(s) 1-12 (German Shepherd domesticated dog) died from blood-loss and shock after encounter with Subject 207. Average survival time: 8.15 minutes. Subject 207 suffered minimal injuries. Results promising.
16. STEP 17/162
Continue Procedure 31 on Subject 207. Previous procedure centre in use. Relocate temporarily to Procedure Centre 78. Authorise further testing of Subject 207 on exposure to predator animals after surgery and recovery.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-17/162-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 06-06-2017
Author: Dr. Grant
Summary Report: Experimental Prey 01 (420kg grizzly bear), died from fractured skull after prolonged encounter with 207. Survival time: 24.31 minutes. Experimental Prey 02 (982kg saltwater crocodile) withdrawn from experiment after both prey and subject were recovered suffering from substantial injuries. Further experimentation with Bengal tiger closed. Suggest allowing Subject 207 time to recover.
17. STEP 17/248
Authorise further testing of Subject 207 on exposure to humans.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-17/248-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 26-07-2017
Author: Dr. Grant
Summary Report: 3/4 subjects died from shock. 1/4 attempted retaliation. Average survival time: 28.17 minutes. Subject 207 affected momentarily due to the vocalisations of a familiar species. Suggest inducing Subject 207 with more influencing amnestics. There's something still in there. Experimentation on a larger group required.
18. STEP 17/250
Authorise further testing of Subject 207 on exposure to humans (group). Remove Dr. Grant from role as Procedure(s) 28-31 manager following psychological unrest.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-17/250-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 28-07-2017
Author: Dr. Taylor
Summary Report: 8/12 attempted retaliation. 1/12 died from shock upon viewing Subject 207. 3/12 attempted escape. Average survival time: 48.53 minutes. Suggest administering experimental prey with anterograde amnesia to test maximum potency of Subject 207. Results are extremely promising, however Subject 207 is becoming restless. Further suggest implementing a staff-rotation-cycle in prevention of further psychological unrest. Soon Experimentation Centre 05 will be unfit to hold Subject 207.
19. STEP 17/421
Staff suffering from psychological nervousness when experimenting with Subject 207 to be removed from program. Staff requesting amnestics to be granted permission. Commence Procedure 32 ASAP.
20. STEP 17/472
Staff requesting immediate termination for irreversible catatonia should be granted permission. We can't afford to keep wasting benzos and anti-psychotics on programs such as this.
21. STEP 17/488
Commence Semi-Procedure 32-2. Admit only sensory-inept (blind/deaf) personnel to the program.
22. STEP 17/526
Authorise further testing of Subject 207 on exposure to humans (group) each administered with anterograde amnesia. Provide basic supplies. Move research of Subject 207 to Experimentation Centre 05. Design facility to imitate hospital environment.
DeCIRO Catalogue Number: FR-17/488-001
Document Type: Summary Report
Date Received: 14-08-2017
Author: Dr. Taylor
Summary Report: Group lasted total of 18 days. 32/40 attempted retaliation. 1/40 died from suicide. 5/40 died from shock. 2/40 attempted escape. Longest survivor died during prolonged encounter with Subject 207. Further research concludes that Communication Device 04 has been recovered by the Foundation, and were using the device to communicate with one member of experimental prey.
23. STEP 17/921
Deploy 18 Alpha-Class personnel to recover Subject 207. Location unknown following Foundation raid on facility and subsequent escape of Subject 207. Foundation confirmed not to be in possession of Subject, but aware and also attempting recovery. Suspected to have entered a civilian population, heading Eastbound of facility. This is a maximum-class priority. Re-contain Subject 207 immediately.
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