Mr Dagger Updates

Added by Mr DaggerMr Dagger

+ added ◾SC-10/548-12/893
+ added ◾SC-13/234-14/362
+ added ◾SC-14/126-20/921
+ added ◾SC-48/404-97/786
+ added ◾SC-49/785-52/543
+ added ◾SC-58/019-58/019
+ added ◾SC-95/347-00/723
+ added scp-285
+ added scp-3036
+ added more pages to Files
+ added apply option to Join The Site
+ added Personnel Bios
+ added Site Rules
+ added User Tools
- removed ADMIN category of the Side Bar
+ added ◾The High Court With The Magic Army
+ added ◾Null Space
+ added ◾Legerdemain
+ added ◾Chaos Insurgency Hub
+ added ◾Gate of Janus
+ added ◾SCP-2271
+ added ◾SCP-3434
+ added ◾SCP-3741
+ added ◾SCP-4470
+ added ◾SCP-5008
+ added Introduction section
+ added Briefing

Added Wednesday 8th july 2020

Even though he was in the office his lazy ass hasn't done anything. Leitrally ( see Dr.levington updates )

Note from Dr. Dagger: I was working on SCP documents and other unrelated documents all day for the site.

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