Css Policy

The following policy concerns CSS themes, primarily those that are self-contained and may be imported onto other pages, but much of this policy also applies to embedded CSS on individual pages.


A CSS theme should be drafted on a sandbox page.

Once you feel the theme is ready, you may move it to the Wiki proper. Once you have recieved permission from a member of the Tech Team (Email: moc.liamg|10tcetorpniatnoceruces#moc.liamg|10tcetorpniatnoceruces), who will make sure that your theme is compliant with this policy, you may create a new page on the wiki in the theme: category with the theme tag.

Some older themes have been posted to the component: category. Please use the theme: category.

The theme must be compliant with the following restrictions, listed below.


In order to be allowed on the site, there are a few restrictions that your theme must abide by.


The theme must be released under the same Creative Commons license as the rest of the wiki.

What you can and can't change

You may change any of the style components of the wiki other than stuff that's specified in this policy.

You can't remove, hide, alter, or "break" any navigation elements of the wiki or the rating module.

You can't break the structure or look of the wiki beyond realistic expectations. The site should still be recognisable and readable.

You may style the translation module (.scpnet-interwiki-frame) using CSS3 Filters or similar, but you can't remove it outright (even if it conflicts horribly and you already tried using filters).

Basic functionality

Your CSS theme must work well in the major browsers (Chromium, Firefox, Safari) and be at least functional in minor ones (IE 11 etc).

Your CSS theme must work well on mobile as well as desktop.

Setting up the theme's page

The theme's page is where the source code of your CSS theme is kept.

You must instruct users to add your theme to their page using Wikidot's [[include]] method (and set up your theme page accordingly. Here's a template.

You may not instruct users to add your theme to their page via CSS's @import method.1

You must provide usage instructions on your theme's page. Note that this only refers to telling users what to type to get the theme to show up on their article. If your theme has any special features that an author should know how to use, these must be documented as well. You do not need to include examples of your theme's formatting — although you totally can, and definitely should!

Your theme's page must have your theme applied to it — i.e. your page must act as a preview of your theme. If you used the template linked above, this will be done for you.

The Tech Team member who's approving your theme will expect to see not only your CSS source code, but a draft of your theme's page.

Bloat code

A CSS theme cannot contain huge amounts of code that doesn't do anything. A CSS theme's source code should contain little, if anything, other than what this theme changes from sigma9 (the wiki's base CSS theme). Vast sections copy-pasted from sigma9 are strictly not allowed.

Someone familiar with CSS should be able to look at your theme and know exactly what your intent is. At the very least, you should be able to justify why you have chosen to include any given line.

Additionally, you should try to avoid using the !important marker unless you need to override something in sigma9 or to provide compatibility with other CSS.


Accessibility concerns should be considered when composing a CSS theme. For example:

  • Is this theme readable for colorblind people? (e.g. it employs bad color combinations like red + green which make it difficult for colorblind users to navigate the site)
  • Does this theme hamper the ability to use screen readers? (e.g. it adds 'invisible' content which gets read by screen readers but not sighted users)
  • Are the fonts it uses legible for all users? (e.g. the body font size is too small, the font itself is difficult to read)

and so on. Best practices and recommendations to address all of these potential issues are easily available with a cursory Google search.


Hotlinking is the practice of linking to files on another site, and is both incredibly bad practice and against site rules. It is incredibly bad manners to force someone's site to load images for your theme, and also introduces a degree of unreliability to your theme — what if that site disappears?

To prevent hotlinking, all images, fonts and miscellaneous files used in a CSS theme must be files uploaded to the theme's page rather than linked from elsewhere on the internet.

However, you are permitted to use certain sites that explicitly encourage hotlinking for serving files to users. Notable examples include Google Fonts and Lorem Picsum. If in doubt, play it safe and ask the Tech Team.
(see Emails )

Additionally, CSS should not be linked from sandbox pages or anywhere that isn't the main site (outside of workbenches). Please use a theme: page on the wiki for CSS themes. This isn't a hard rule, just try to avoid it. If you're going to use a CSS theme, might as well make it official!

Being used

CSS themes that aren't being used aren't allowed on the site. To get your theme approved you'll have to assert at least one of the following:

  • That the theme is going to be used on an article that already exists on the wiki
  • That the theme is going to be posted at about the same time as an article that will use it
  • That the theme is going to be posted shortly before (up to a week) an article that will use it

For the purposes of this section, author pages do not count. Articles on other wikis do not count unless that wiki is an international SCP Branch.

Whoever is approving your theme may ask to see either the article or draft that the theme will be used on.


Before being posted, your theme must be approved by a member of the Tech Team. They will take a look at your theme and ascertain whether or not it is compliant with this policy.

Only Operational Staff and up can approve a CSS theme. The Technical Directory gets final say in any approvals.

You can find the Tech Team in moc.liamg|10tcetorpniatnoceruces#moc.liamg|10tcetorpniatnoceruces, contact them via Wikidot PM. meet the staff

Deletion policy for CSS themes

CSS themes are treated like normal pages in that other users are not permitted to make major changes to your work. Small mistakes are considered equivalent to spelling and grammar errors and may be corrected by any well-meaning user.

CSS themes are affected by the regular deletion policy, and are eligible for deletion once they fall under -10 votes. Additionally, a theme that is not being used on any pages is eligible for deletion regardless of how many votes it has.

Remediating non-compliant themes

If your theme doesn't function in the major browsers (Chromium, Firefox, Safari, mobile, IE11) in a way that completely breaks navigation, function, or accessibility, it needs to be removed (or at bare minimum, removed from include blocks) from the site, then fixed, in that order. Our first priority is compatibility, function, and accessibility.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License